Cherry blossoms, warriors and a space park are some of our favorite virtual places to explore this March.
Giving a presentation about medical illustration at the Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix on Saturday Sep 22nd, 1:30 - 2:30…
I'll be speaking about digital design techniques for illustration technology from 2D to VR for medical illustration on March 6 at The 8th Lux Pacifica in 2018 : Life and Lighting conference
Presenting eye-tracking and biomedical animations
How can we assess and improve science communication for researcher audiences?
I will present my research with my colleague Drew Fast on using eye-tracking to assess how researchers perceive and understand biomedical animations on the Lung Endothelial Surface Layer at the science communication conference SciVizNYC 2017 in NYC on December 1st.
RT @mtlawton: It all started during the pandemic with COVIDeos-19: Survival Kit for Neurosurgical Quarantine. After 150 episodes…
My understanding of SEO just happened to a be a perfect complement to Professor Swirksy's ethics background and a need for Dentists to better understand and navigate the complexities of representing themselves online. Quite an interesting topic and relevant to any medical business in my opinion, but I am biased as co-author!